superwool blanket

Superwool Blanket


Superwool® Plus offers the same benefits as the other members of the Superwool family but with improved handling strength and enhanced thermal properties. Superwool® Plus is manufactured from pure raw materials using a new manufacturing technology. In addition to enhanced thermal properties, large nuisance dust particles have been effectively eliminated making the product soft to the touch and less irritating during use.

Superwool® Plus Blanket is made of long Superwool fibres having the same chemical formulation as the original and well proven Superwool 607® product. It is available in a wide range of thicknesses and densities. It exhibits outstanding insulating properties at elevated temperatures.

Superwool® Plus Blanket has excellent thermal stability and retains its original soft fibrous structure up to its maximum continuous use temperature. Superwool® Plus is needled from both sides and possesses high strength, before and after heating. Superwool® Plus Blanket contains neither binder nor lubricant and does not emit any fumes or smell during the first firing. Superwool® Plus is flexible, easy to cut and shape and easy to install. (CAS number: 329211-92-9).


i Exceptional thermal insulating performance, compared with industry standards
i Free of binder or lubricant
i Thermal stability
i Low heat storage
i Good resistance to tearing
i Flexible and resilient
i Immune to thermal shock
i Good sound absorption
i Exonerated from any carcinogenic classification under nota Q of directive 97/69EC


i 1200°C / 2192°F EN 1094
i With Superwool® Plus, the consistent use of pure raw materials in all our factories Globally has lead to the 4% shrinkage temperature rising from >1100°C to >1200°C. For this reason, the classification temperature is now given as 1200°C in line with the EN1094 norm.
i Superwool® 607® has been proven over many years to withstand continuous use in an oxidising atmosphere at 1000°C. This temperature is quoted as the Maximum Continuous Use temperature. For applications above 1000°C, Thermal Ceramics recommends Superwool® 607HT® which has a classification temperature of 1300°C.
i For further information, contact your local Thermal Ceramics division.


i Power generation especially HRSG duct insulation
i Chimney insulation.
i Process heater linings
i Pipe wrap
i Annealing furnace linings
i Furnace and kiln back-up insulation
i Storage heater insulation
i Domestic oven insulation
i Alutomotive exhaust heat shields
i Aluminium transfer launder covers
i Welding stress relief