Monomax Module


i Flexible, resilient, pre-compressed module
i Reduced shrinkage compared to layered lining
i It is versatile and the modules can easily be cut, on the site to suit awkward configurations


i Continuous Operation temperature : 1482 °C
i Maximum use temperature : 1500 °C


i Ladle covers
i Forging furnace Roofs , walls & Doors
i Re heat furnace roofs


MONOMAX is a unique system for using fiber to very high temperature environment cost effectively. The system consists of Monomax Blanket, Monomax chemical and Monomax anchoring.
It is a wet processing system allows for higher density and higher compression without the use of mechanical jacks or presses. When properly installed Monomax can go up to continuous operating temperature of 1482 °C

Density kg/m3 (Dried)> 190
Thermal Conductivity (w/mk)0.13(Typical) @ 500 C
Chemical composition
Al2O3 %44-49
SiO2 %51-56