Block 607


i Water repellent
i Resistant to thermal shock
i Low thermal conductivity
i Precise geometry and close tolerances
i Homogeneous structure, easy for machining
i Non-brittle
i High fibre content
i Lightweight, low heat storage
i Easy to install


Blok 607TM sheets are made from Superwool 607* fibres, mineral fibres and a small amount of organic binder.
Thanks to the high fibre content, Blok 607 sheets are strong, lightweight and thermal shock resistant.
All grades of Blok 607 receive a water repellence treatment to prevent absorption of water or concrete binders.
The panels must be installed so that the side with the product name is in contact with the concrete. When tested on this side, Blok 607 is classified as non hydrophilic (NF P 75-305).
Thicknesses over 50mm are obtained by bonding together two thinner sheets.


Block for back up insulation

i Blok 607TM – 800: 800°C
i Blok 607TM – 1000: 1000°C
i Blok 607TM – 1100: 1100°C

The maximum continuous use temperature is indicative and depends on the application. In case of doubt, refer to your local Thermal Ceramics distributor for advice.

Colour white/tan white/tan white/tan
Density kg/m3 320 320 320
Modulus of rupture MPa 0.8 0.8 0.8
Compressive stress MPa 0.30 0.40 0.30
(10% reduction in thickness)
Water absorption (NF P 75-302)after 96 hours kg/m3 <40 <40 <40
Loss on ignition % 6.0 6.0 5.0
Permanent linear shrinkage (ENV 1094-7) after 24 hours isothermal heating at classification temperature: % 1.4 1.4 1.5
Thermal conductivity (ASTM C-417) at mean temperature of:
200°C W/m.K 0.07 0.08 0.06
300°C W/m.K 0.07 0.09 0.07
400°C W/m.K 0.08 0.10 0.08
500°C W/m.K 0.09 0.11 0.10
600°C W/m.K 0.11 0.13 0.11


i Standard size: 1000mm x 600mm.
i Thicknesses: 25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm and 100mm.
i Thicknesses over 50mm are obtained by bonding together two thinner sheets.
i Blok 607 is packed on pallets (1225mm x 1020mm), which are protected with cardboard and shrink wrapped with recyclable plastic.